You've heard of Tiny Houses...??? Check out this Amazing Technology!!!

 You've heard of Tiny Houses...

Check out this Amazing Technology!!!

A non-profit Housing Company called New Story and construction technology company called Icon have teamed up to develop a 3D printer that will actually build a house! The cost is only $4000 to "print' or build a 800 square foot home. The process can be done in less than 24 hours! What a cool concept to bring to our world and the underdeveloped Countries of our world! 

Watch the full CNN You-Tube clip below.


Motivational Monday! MAKE this week Your BEST Week Yet!

Motivational Monday!

MAKE this week your BEST Week Yet!

The weekend has come and gone. The first glympse of SPRING was in the air! The warm air and the sun felt amazing coming out of the sky! Temperatures this week are forecast to be in the 60's! How can this week NOT be YOUR Best Week yet? 

Use the energy that Spring brings to get the things done you've been waiting to do! Use the energy to get out and breathe in some fresh air! Pay attention to what is going on around you. Stop and sit on...
Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Who knew Cleaning Your Grout and Your Blinds would be THIS EASY!!!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

Who knew Cleaning Your Grout and Your Blinds would be THIS EASY!!!

Time... Where does it go? Time... When did the clock start ticking faster and faster? Time... are there really 24 hours in EVERY Day? haha! If you've ever felt like there isn't enough time... then this article is for you! 

Pinterest has provided 50 simple life hacks to make life a bit easier. There are tips on cleaning your blinds (using things you have at home already!!!) and your grout lines (wi...
How Will Cars Like the Tesla Impact the Future of Real Estate?

How Will Cars Like the Tesla Impact the

Future of Real Estate?

Let's think about our Future for a minute... Growing up, we thought that the technology in cartoons like The Jetsons would never exist! Now, we have phones with video capabilities. We have computers that fit in the palm of our hands. We have cars that drive themselves. We are starting to see kitchens that prepare meals for us and cars that fly/hover... Yikes, how far we have come in so little time! 

So how will these cars that...
Get That 'FRESH' Smell in Your Home with This Little Secret!

Get That 'FRESH' Smell in Your Home with

This Little Secret!

Have you ever walked into a friends home and wondered how do they keep it smelling so fresh? Are you selling your home and want your home to smell "that fresh" when people come to see it? Have you tried Air Freshener after Air Freshener only to struggle with, that one smells to strong... that one smells to flowery... that one doesn't smell enough... WELL, wonder no more!!! The Secret is out!!!

I've tried it!!! Annnnd I think this...
Minnnesota... Home Prices are Too Expensive!!!

Discover where Minnnesota Home Prices Fall

When Compared to the Rest of the US

I have heard from so many people lately that prices in MN are going up to quickly... that homes are over priced... that maybe they should wait to buy... Homes are selling in Multiple Offers and it feels like I cant compete... Minnesota is one of the most expensive states to purchase a home in... AHHHH... what is a Minnesotan to do???

*Are prices up from where they were last year??? YES

*Are rental prices up from...
Homes for Sale within the Minnetonka School District

Homes for Sale within the

Minnetonka School District

We've all heard about the Law of Supply and Demand! This Law is very applicable right now in the Real Estate Market. The Minnetonka Real Estate Market is also being impacted. Currently, there are not enough houses for sale in Minnetonka, (see the chart below) therefore prices are being driven up. Prices are at or above (this depends on the neighborhood in which you live) where they were before the 'crash'.  



We've all heard of som...
Rachel Fredrickson
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