Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks! Another Gadget Must Have!!!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks!

Another Gadget Must Have!!!

Snow! Snow! Snow! If you live in Minnesnowta, there is a GOOD chance that you experienced a lot of snow this year!!! 

Snow on roof tops is/was a common theme this year. I saw several people on their roofs shoveling off the snow. I saw other people who hired companies to come and remove the snow for them. I saw others who did nothing and let the snow stay on their roof. 

As I am typing this, Facebook is filled with posts from people who hav...
Preparing Your Home for the White Stuff (Snow) and the Cold (Winter)!

Preparing Your Home for the White Stuff (Snow)

and the Cold (Winter)!

If you are from Minnesota, you know that every fall there are two words that you shouldn't speak... that white stuff.. that stuff that comes from the sky that isn't rain, the cold season... I think you get it :) If you aren't from Minnesota, I am talking about snow and winter. sigh.... I said it... 

Either way we say it (or don't say it), it comes every year. That first snow is not wanted, but so pretty to watch. Most of...
Fall Lawn Care Will Determine What Your Lawn Looks Like Next Year!

Fall Lawn Care WILL Determine What Your Lawn Looks Like Next Year!

For those of you who have been following me, you may have noticed that Bob Villa and I have become pretty close friends... (haha, ok, I've never met him, but everything on his website is so EVERYTHING 101 level). These tips and pointers are from his website too! 

If you are thinking about selling your home in the spring, you should do this now! If you aren't thinking about selling in the spring, you should still do this now t...
What SMELL comes from your bathroom???

What SMELL comes from your bathroom???

No one likes a stinky bathroom. No one... 

No one likes to clean a bathroom... No one... 

But, we do clean our bathrooms because the result of not cleaning it, is disgusting... That disgusting smell is one we CAN avoid...

Cottagenotes.com created a list of over 20 things we can do to help our bathrooms smell better (I like some ideas better than others). Some of their ideas would even make your bathroom smell 'good'!

So, check out the link to their i...
Painting your walls just got EASIER!!!!

Painting your walls just got EASIER!!!!

Thinking about painting your living room? Kitchen? Bedroom? The thought can be a little overwhelming when you think about all that goes into it... Tape the wood, put down a cloth, worry about spilling the paint try, planning enough time... etc... This product will save many of these steps and therefore give you some of your time back!!!

They say...

1) no taping!!!

2) no worry about drips!!!

3) no drop clothes!!!

4) no dripping paint!!!

5) no paint...
Painting Concrete Walls - DIY Tips & Tricks

Painting Concrete Walls

DIY Tips & Tricks

There is a debate among Realtors about whether a painted concrete wall or painted concrete walls in the basement/lower level should be counted as finished square footage. 

The 'rule' for finished square footage states that the space needs to have a finished floor, walls and a ceiling. Clear as mud, right :) So, does painting a wall make is finished? I suppose to some it would and I know from experience that others do not feel that it is. 

So, regar...



Does that picture creep you out??? Does that picture make you wonder what goes on in your home when you are sleeping??? Does that picture make you say EWWW! Gross! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

It's that time of year... I had several clients call me lately about these not so cute critters! My daughter and I actually found 2 babies in our garage on the 4th of July. They didn't even have their eyes open yet. We scooped them up and...
Rachel Fredrickson
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