Town Home Pricing, West Metro - Part 3

Town Home Pricing

~West Metro~

Part 3

I have written blogs on new construction pricing and pre-existing single family home prices in the west metro. A few weeks ago I started one on Town Home pricing in the west metro. This blog is part 3 of a 3 part series. The number of town homes for sale, the cost per square foot and the overall price of the town homes, like both new construction and pre-existing single family homes, is different in each city. 

So, if you are contemplating to...
Pre-Existing Single Family Home Prices, West Metro - Part 3

Pre-Existing Single Family Home Prices

~ West Metro - Part 3

I posted Part 1 & 2 of this blog last month and had a few people reach out and ask for more information on cities that I hadn't mentioned. So, here is part 3 of the pre-existing single family homes in the West Metro.

Take a peak below and see the differences. If you want to learn about a city that isn't listed, please reach out and let me know. I would love to help you learn about the community you are thinking about calling home....
New Construction Pricing in the West Metro ~ Part 3

New Construction Pricing

West Metro ~ Part 3

I posted Part 1 & 2 of this blog last month and had a few people reach out and ask for more information on cities that I hadn't mentioned. So, here is part 3 of New Construction Prices in the West Metro.

New Construction Prices are different depending on the location you want to build and call home. The number of home for sale, the cost per square foot and the overall price of the home is different in each city. 

Take a peak below and see the di...
Homes for Sale within the Minnetonka School District

Homes for Sale within the

Minnetonka School District

We've all heard about the Law of Supply and Demand! This Law is very applicable right now in the Real Estate Market. The Minnetonka Real Estate Market is also being impacted. Currently, there are not enough houses for sale in Minnetonka, (see the chart below) therefore prices are being driven up. Prices are at or above (this depends on the neighborhood in which you live) where they were before the 'crash'.  



We've all heard of som...
Rachel Fredrickson
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