Annnnd the Winner is.....  October 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

October 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!


My October Real Estate Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of the month! As always there was trivia question included!

The October Newsletter Trivia Question was...

What is the most popular Halloween Candy?   The Answer: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :)     The winner this month is Sarah J!!! (Watch the Video Drawing below-surprise guest this month!) Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Coffee/Tea/Cocoa :) Sarah chose...
Townhomes in Minnetonka- Prices through the Years

Townhomes in Minnetonka

Prices through the Years

Townhomes in Minnetonka have increased over the years. The graph below shows a steady increase. 

January 2015 - the Median Sales price for a Town home was 170k

January 2016 - the median sales price for a town home was 185k

January 2017 - the median sales price for a town home was 189,950k

January 2018 - the median sales price for a town home was 200k

August 2018 - the median sales price for a town home is up to 223! The prices are up 23k in...
Multiple Offers... Are you paying too much???

Multiple Offers...

Are you paying too much???


Multiple Offers are common in today's Real Estate World! Don't run from them... (You may never buy a home) Don't fear them... (You may never buy a home) Understand the process (Education is key) and use the information below to determine your offer price and become comfortable with the buying process

When you're looking to buy a house, it's important to align yourself with a Realtor who knows and understands Real Estate. Its important to al...
Rentals Numbers are at a 50 Year High! WHY???

Rentals Numbers are at a 50 Year High!


Is the American Dream Dying? Do you still wish to own a home? Do you still dream of that white picket fence, a big back yard, a man cave, a women's retreat, etc., etc., etc.,??? According to, the number of people who own a home is decreasing... and the number of people renting is greater today than it has been in the last 50 years!


Why is a Great Question! sites 5 reasons this may be so. 

1) Reduced number of affor...
Rachel Fredrickson
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