Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! September 2016

 The Monthly Real Estate Stats for August 2016 have been compiled and compared to 2015! The number of homes for sale continues to be low and the prices continue to rise. The Law of Supply and Demand holds true in the Real Estate world now more than maybe ever!!!

*The number of Sales are exceeded a 10 year high!!!

*Pending Sales were up 7.9%

*Closed Sales were up 7.4%

*The # of Homes for Sale was down 18.8% - leaving a 2.8 mon...

But my Zillow Zestimate said...



Zillow's own CEO Spensor Rascoff's home sold for 40% less than his Zillow Zestimate reported!!!


Zestimates aren't an exact science. Zillow boasts a 7.9% error rate~ BUT, their own CEO's house sold for 40% less than it's own zestimate. There are factors that a zestimate (computer program) does not consider...

1) Where is the home situated? Is it on a busy street? private neighborhood? 

2) What is the shape and usability of the lot? Where is the house s...

We hear it all the time... Credit, Credit, Credit.. Take Care of your Credit!!! Why? Why should we take care of our credit? How does our credit score impact us? How does it impact buying a house? a car? etc... Having a great credit score can actually save you thousands of dollars on a 30 yr home loan... Literally thousands!!! On a 300k home purchase, you could end up saving 100 thousand on a 30 year loan!!! Yes, I said it, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! That is a lot of money!!! And... that sav...

Rachel Fredrickson
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