1.3 MILLION Home Owners became 'EQUITY RICH' in 2016! Are you one of them?

1.3 MILLION Home Owners became 'EQUITY RICH' in 2016!

Are you one of them?

Real Estate has made a come back! 2012 marked the turning point! Each year since 2012, more and more home owners have came out from being 'underwater' on their mortgage~ Last year, 2016, over 1 MILLION homeowners came above that mark!!! Another 1.3 Million became 'Equity Rich'! 

Seriously Underwater - 25% or more of it's Loan to Value

Equity Rich - Less than a 50% Loan to Value


To read the full RISMedia Article...
Annnnd the Winner is..... February 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Valentines Day Contest WINNER!!!


Every Month many of those I know receive a Monthly Newsletter filled with Real Estate Market News (and a fun contest!). I want to make sure you keep current on the market! If you wish to subscribe, please see the link below. 

The February Newsletter Contest was...

Send me a story about someone or something that has touched your heart!

The Winner is  Wayne A :)

Congratulations to you! Thank you for sharing :) Congratulations Again!!!

Remember, I will ha...
Valentines Day Contest!!!
Valentines Day Contest!!!   January has come and gone! Where does the time go??? As a child I used to hear the adults around me talk about how quickly the time goes by... I never understood what they meant... I NOW UNDERSTAND!!! Cherish Today :) You only get one of them!!!   This month, I will be giving away a Valentines Gift Basket on Monday February 13th (I know that's only a few days away... but the contest is an easy one). The Basket is filled with all things Valentines... Chocolate,...
Rachel Fredrickson
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