Ideas to Save Space or Create Space in your Home

Ideas to Save Space or Create Space

in your Home

Struggling to find space? Wondering how you are ever going to get (and stay) organized in your space???

Below is a Great Article from Pinterest that can help!!!

1) Get creative with wall space? Do you have a little nook that you're not quite sure what to do with? 

2) Clear off Countertops and add some organization pieces to the wall!

3) USE your Corners :) 

4) Use the space behind your couch!!! A Couch length shelf~ brilliant :) 

5) Thi...
Valentines Day Contest!!!
Valentines Day Contest!!!   January has come and gone! Where does the time go??? As a child I used to hear the adults around me talk about how quickly the time goes by... I never understood what they meant... I NOW UNDERSTAND!!! Cherish Today :) You only get one of them!!!   This month, I will be giving away a Valentines Gift Basket on Monday February 13th (I know that's only a few days away... but the contest is an easy one). The Basket is filled with all things Valentines... Chocolate,...


2017 IS the year to sell...

2017 is THE year to sell...

2017 is the YEAR to sell...

2017 is the year to SELL...

No Matter where you put the emphasis in that sentence, it rings true to the current Real Estate Market!!! NOW is a GREAT time to list and sell your house!!! recently published an article that gave 4 reasons to list your house this year! They sited the following reasons::

1) Mortgage Rates ARE Still Low!

2) Inventory of Houses is Shrinki...
Maple Grove Housing Update

Maple Grove Housing Update


Maple Grove saw moderate gains in housing values as compared to some other cities in the Metro!

When 2016 was compared to 2015, the changes in value were healthy! The changes in inventory were not as desirable. 

Median Sales Price - Increased 4.8%

Average Sales Price - Increased 3.7%

Average Cost per Sq Ft - Increase 4.6%

Number of New Listings - Decrease 7.6%

Days on Market - Decreased 12.9%

View all of the numbers here from the Minneapolis Area Association...
Ice Skating Fun!

Ice Skating Fun!

We've made it through the cold winter season in MN~ well almost :) Happy February! With only a month (or so) to go before Mother Nature turns the heat back on, why not try some ice skating?

The Rogers Activity Center offers Indoor Open Public Skating 3 times each week. Twice on Wednesday and once on Sunday. 

Public Skating Hours

Adult Hockey Schedule



Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! January 2017

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! January 2017

2016 Closed in line with the rest of the year... No surprises were found when the numbers were crunched and compiled. 

When December 2016 was compared to December 2015 the following housing statistics are reported:

     *Homes for Sale was down 26.3%!!! Leaving 8,197 houses for sale!!! Again, to give that some perspective, there were 27,600 in 2007!

     *Month Supply of Homes for sale was down 30.4% leaving a 1.6 month supply...
Homes Thru the Decades

Homes Thru the Decades

People have changed over the years. Family size, family structure, lifestyles, etc... Therefore it would be natural for houses to change too. The exteriors, the amenities, the sizes, etc... 

Have you ever heard the expressions....

*You are wise beyond your years...

*You are an old soul...

*You should have been born in the ___ (you fill in the blank for the year...) published an article that highlights one home from each decade over the last 100 years!!!...
Rachel Fredrickson
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