You've heard of Tiny Houses...??? Check out this Amazing Technology!!!

 You've heard of Tiny Houses...

Check out this Amazing Technology!!!

A non-profit Housing Company called New Story and construction technology company called Icon have teamed up to develop a 3D printer that will actually build a house! The cost is only $4000 to "print' or build a 800 square foot home. The process can be done in less than 24 hours! What a cool concept to bring to our world and the underdeveloped Countries of our world! 

Watch the full CNN You-Tube clip below.


Real Estate Nerd Alert :) 2017 Seller's and Buyer's... Who are they???

2017 Seller's and Buyer's...

Who are they???

I admit it... I am a Real Estate Nerd! (and I'm not afraid to shout it) I love to read about Real Estate! The National Association of Realtors released an article titled 2017 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. It's a Great Read!


Did you know???

The average buyer in 2017:

*The typical age of a buyer rose to 45!

*People buying new construction was only 15% of the market (this is low compared to 29% in 1989)

*First Time home buyers made up...
Annnnd the Winner is..... April 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

April 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!



Happy April!!! Happy Easter!!! I hope you all received my Real Estate Newsletter last week! I hope that you were able to gain some insight into the real estate market. Please let me know if you didn't and think you should be or want to receive it. Every Month, within that newsletter, I have a little trivia question/fun contest!

The April Newsletter Trivia Question was...

In the movie "Back to the Future", what speed di...
April Newsletter

Rachel Fredrickson
License #:
Cell: 612- 991 9919


Good Morning Everyone, 

My Real Estate Newsletter was sent out last Tuesday! Did you get yours (email)??? Did you open it??? Did you read it??? Did you learn anything??? Did you enter the contest to win a free Easter Basket yet??? There is still time to enter~ Contest deadline is tomorrow (April 11th) at 5pm! Just answer the simple trivia question for a chance to win. If you didn't get my newsletter, let me know and I will...
3 Ways to Save Money Monthly on your Mortgage!

3 Ways to Save Money Monthly

on your Mortgage!

Wouldn't it be nice to save some money each month? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take THAT trip you've always wanted? Wouldn't it be nice to buy THAT gift for that special person? Wouldn't it be nice to..... you fill in the blank.

Well, you've all heard of her! Whether you like her or not, she is smart and has some great ideas on how to save money on your mortgage. (and in life!) Barbara Corcoran, from Shark Tank, says that people need to...
2016 Real Estate, a Year in Review!

2016 Real Estate

A Year in Review!

2016, WHAT A YEAR!!! The numbers are in and some of the statistics will make your jaw drop while others are exactly what we expected and talked about all last year!

The Minneapolis Association of Realtors reported that all 13 counties showed continued recovery. Based on the numbers reported below, I would say that all have 'recovered'. 

2016 as compared to 2015

*Closed Sales - Increased 6.2% to an 11 year high!

*Pending Sales - Increased 4.7%

*Median P...

But my Zillow Zestimate said...



Zillow's own CEO Spensor Rascoff's home sold for 40% less than his Zillow Zestimate reported!!!


Zestimates aren't an exact science. Zillow boasts a 7.9% error rate~ BUT, their own CEO's house sold for 40% less than it's own zestimate. There are factors that a zestimate (computer program) does not consider...

1) Where is the home situated? Is it on a busy street? private neighborhood? 

2) What is the shape and usability of the lot? Where is the house s...
Rachel Fredrickson
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