Homes Thru the Decades

Homes Thru the Decades

People have changed over the years. Family size, family structure, lifestyles, etc... Therefore it would be natural for houses to change too. The exteriors, the amenities, the sizes, etc... 

Have you ever heard the expressions....

*You are wise beyond your years...

*You are an old soul...

*You should have been born in the ___ (you fill in the blank for the year...) published an article that highlights one home from each decade over the last 100 years!!!...
3 Ways to Save Money Monthly on your Mortgage!

3 Ways to Save Money Monthly

on your Mortgage!

Wouldn't it be nice to save some money each month? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take THAT trip you've always wanted? Wouldn't it be nice to buy THAT gift for that special person? Wouldn't it be nice to..... you fill in the blank.

Well, you've all heard of her! Whether you like her or not, she is smart and has some great ideas on how to save money on your mortgage. (and in life!) Barbara Corcoran, from Shark Tank, says that people need to...
Rachel Fredrickson
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