New Construction Pricing in the West Metro

New Construction Pricing

~West Metro~

New Construction Prices are different depending on the location you want to build and call home. The number of home for sale, the cost per square foot and the overall price of the home is different in each city. 

Are you wondering where you should call home in 2019? Take a peak below and see the differences in the cities on the 494 corridor. If you want to learn about a city that isn't listed, please reach out and let me know. I would love to help you l...
Plymouth Needs More Home Owners to Sell Their Homes!!!

Plymouth Needs More Home Owners to Sell Their Homes!!! 

The number of Homes for Sale in Plymouth decreased in from January 2015 to January 2016 by 16.7% 

More data not shown on this graph:

The # of days that a home is listed before it gets an offer also decreased by 10.4% to 43 days.

The median Sales Price rose 5.8%.

If you are thinking about selling your home, let me know! I would love to stop out and let you know just how much equity you have in your home!


Rachel Fredrickson
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