Motivational Monday! Asking for Help!!!

Motivational Monday!

Asking for Help!!!

One of the greatest barriers to connection is the cultural importance we place on "going it alone." Somehow we've come to equate success with not needing anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we're very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It's as if we've divided the world into "those who offer help" and "those who need help." The truth is that we are both. ~Brene Brown

Help! Help!! Help!!! Think of a time...
Real Estate within the Eden Prairie School District~ A Year in Review

Real Estate within the Eden Prairie School District

A Year in Review

A year… 12 months… 52 weeks… 365 days… What difference does a year make? A year is huge when you think about how a child changes from infant to toddler. A year is huge when you think about a high school senior graduating and headed for college. A year is huge when you think about a woman who discovers she is pregnant. A year is huge when you start the process of selling/buying a house. A year is huge when you think about ma...
Motivational Monday! Energy!!!

Motivational Monday! 


Take two... haha! Happy Monday! I tried to write this same blog twice last week and both times, I had computer/technology issues... we'll see how this one goes :) (the pic is already in... so I won't have any spinning issues this week! Yah!)

Where do you get your energy? How do you keep going everyday? How does 'life' impact your energy? How do those around you impact your energy? Does what you eat impact your energy? Does your age impact your energy? Do you...
Real Estate within the Minnetonka School District ~ A Year in Review

Real Estate within the Minnetonka School District

A Year in Review

A year… 12 months… 52 weeks… 365 days… What difference does a year make? A year is huge when you think about how a child changes from infant to toddler. A year is huge when you think about a high school senior graduating and headed for college. A year is huge when you think about a woman who discovers she is pregnant. A year is huge when you start the process of selling/buying a house. A year is huge when you think about many...
Motivational Monday! Confidence!!!

Motivational Monday!


Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble and reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy. ~Normal Vincent Peale

Have you ever taken time and watched a child? To just observe them for awhile... They believe that they can do anything! They are not afraid to try anything. They fall down, they get back up and try again. They... keep... going...

At what point in life do we lose this drive? At what poin...
Motivational Monday! Are You Present???

Motivational Monday!

Are You Present???

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have ~ Eckhart Tolle 

Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” ~ Deepak Chopra

The present moment is the only moment available to us, and it's the door to all moments ~Thich Knat Hanh 

How do you live?

 Do you live in the past, always wishing that you would have responded differently?       Do you live in the past, always wishing you could go ba...
Motivational Monday! Reality!!!

Motivational Monday!


Whatever we put in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.              ~Earl Nightengale

What is your reality? 

Is it the success you experienced at work?

Is it the joy you feel when talking to a friend or family member?

Is it the frustration you feel when things don't go your way?

Is it the anger you feel when you didn't get the promotion you wanted?

Is it the indifference you feel when...

Is that R...
Rachel Fredrickson
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