Motivational Monday! What a Difference a Day Can Make!!!

Motivational Monday!

What a Difference a Day Can Make!!!

What a difference a day can make! 

Who do you surround yourself with on a daily basis? Considering that we spend most of our awake hours at work, what is the company that you work for like? Are you supported? Do people believe in you? Do the people in your life build you up? These are questions that are vital to our success! 

I would like to challenge each of you to take some time and evaluate your life and those in it. I would chall...
Motivational Monday! Excuses!!!

Motivational Monday!


I refuse to allow the excuses in my mind to grow into giants that keep me from living to my full potential. ~Shaun King

WOW!!! What a powerful statement! I REFUSE TO ALLOW THE EXCUSES IN MY MIND TO GROW INTO GIANTS THAT KEEP ME FROM LIVING TO MY FULL POTENTIAL. How many times have you allowed your mind to talk you out of doing something? How many times have you made an excuse that had NO foundation? How many times have you let these excuses stop you? You have...
Motivational Monday! Dealing with Disappointment!!!

Motivational Monday!

Dealing with Disappointment!!!

Disappointment - sadness or displeasure caused by nonfulfillment of one's hope or expectations. 

When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. ~Ryan Reynolds

So, is Ryan saying that we should live with no expectations? Is he saying that we should not have any expectations for our future or our lives? I have no idea what Ryan meant when he was quoted saying the above words. What I do know, is that we should al...
Motivational Monday! Time!!!

Motivational Monday!


How many times have you heard time passes too quickly...

How many times have you said, I don't have enough time???

How many times have you thought, if only there was more time...

I've heard many times that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And that is TRUE!!! So then, why do we run out of time? Why is there not enough time? 

Time is what we want the most, but use the worst. ~William Penn

Do you start every day with a plan? Do you wing it? Do you have a...
Rachel Fredrickson
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