Real Estate Market Truths

Real Estate Market Truths

Change doesn't have to be scary

The Real Estate market is changing. Yes, this IS true. Why does our society fear change? That question deserves some attention. Change doesn't have to mean doom and gloom! Change doesn't equal a 'crash'! Change is simply 'change'. Instead of fearing it, let us embrace it. Let us wake up every day and look the day in the eyes and say bring it on! Let us not let the perceived fear of change stop us from going after our goals.  

Interest rates are so high!!! Ahhh... I can't buy in this market! I can't afford a house at these rates! I can't... I can't... What are your cans? I'm sure they are there! What can you afford? If you are a buyer, have you talked to your lender to see what price you are approved for at the current rates? Have you asked your lender to run a scenario with the seller paying for your closing costs? YES, this is happening again. 

A changing market. What does this change boil down to?

Increased interest rates - YES

Bidding Wars on a house - less likely

Paying less for a house that what it is listed for - more likely

Having the seller pay your closing costs - it's possible again

Want to inspect the house you are interested in - YES! Ask for it!

The house just listed, I have plans tonight, do I have to cancel them to see the house before it's SOLD - not likely

I like the house, I want to sleep on it. Do I have to make a decision right now? Not likely, in most scenarios, sleep on it!

So, you might have a higher interest, but... you will have the time to look at the house and think about it prior to making an offer! 

The market is changing! YES, IT IS! Is this bad? NO, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE! Why is the first societal reaction fear? doom? I HAVE NO IDEA, LET'S CHANGE IT! Embrace the change and live the life you want to live! TODAY!

I would love to talk you through your life scenario and help you make a decision that is right for your life today... and your tomorrow! 

Rachel Fredrickson
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