How Much Equity do You Have in Your Home?

How Much Equity do You Have in Your Home?

Homeowners are wondering...

*Is my home equity safe?

*What is going to happen in the Real Estate market this year? 

*How is the economy and inflation going to impact my future plans?

*Are home values going up or down this year?

While most think that crystal balls are a mythical items, I just happen to have found mine! Just kidding, I wish I had the answers to those questions too! I can tell you that Real Estate appreciates! Even when the market turns upside down, it always rebounds and end above where it once was! This has proven to be the case time and time again! So, your equity is safe for today! Your equity is safe for tomorrow as well! Your equity is safe for the remainder of the year most likely! Your equity is safe so long as you don't plan on moving during a downturn (which no one is predicting to happen any time soon). 

We are still in a Seller's Market with less than a 2 month supply of homes on the market! You're equity is safe for a while! 

How much equity do you have? Check out this really cool equity calculator that will allow you to see for yourself!

Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further! I am here to help :) 


Equity Calculator


How much Equity do you have in your home?
The principal that you pay, your down payment, and your appreciation can really add up over time. Click here to find the equity in your home.

Rachel Fredrickson
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