Motivational Monday! What a Difference a Day Can Make!!!

Motivational Monday!

What a Difference a Day Can Make!!!

Motivational Monday What a difference a day can make!

What a difference a day can make! 

Who do you surround yourself with on a daily basis? Considering that we spend most of our awake hours at work, what is the company that you work for like? Are you supported? Do people believe in you? Do the people in your life build you up? These are questions that are vital to our success! 

I would like to challenge each of you to take some time and evaluate your life and those in it. I would challenge you to spend time with only those people who are building you up and in support of your life and your dreams! Some of these decisions may not be easy, but they are vital if you want to attain your dreams! 

I am just getting back from our EXIT 23rd Annual Convention! This convention is one of the best that I have attended! It was like each speaker was speaking directly to me, Rachel Fredrickson! It was like each speaker was telling ME what I needed to hear to have a better life, at work and at home! EXIT believes that if we (Realtors) are healthy in mind and body that we will have more success in our careers. How true is that!!! Does your employer talk to you about being healthy? 

The picture above is of Steve Morris, the founder and CEO of EXIT Realty Corporation International. He spoke on the last day of convention and when he was done, every nerve ending in my body was firing and ready to take on the world and accomplish my dreams! I ask you again, who are you surrounding yourself with everyday? Do the people in your life elevate you? If yes, keep surrounding yourself with these people!!! If no, find people that will elevate you! Find people that will help you reach your goals!

I am going to share a few take aways from my week in hopes that it will elevate you like it did me! 

Day one started out talking about goals and the importance of writing them down! If you've read any of my blogs, you probably read that before! Write down your goals!!! Day one also emphasized eating healthy, having healthy habits, comfort zones and pushing past them- 

Some quotes from Day 1

  • GOALS - Get Out And Live ~ Joyce Paron

  • I never let anyone with dirty feet walk thru my mind ~ Ghandi via Joyce Paron

  • Be authentic with your thoughts ~ Wayne Dyer via Joyce Paron

  • You don't have to be perfect to be amazing ~ Keith Levitt

  • Stephanie Decker (double amputee from Indiana tornado) -  

    • Believe in yourself and your goals

    • DON'T be Realistic

    • Make a Choice - Choose to do it!

    • Storms are inevitable, letting them defeat you is optional  

  • Jimmy Chin - You're not trying hard enough if you aren't failing.

Day Two was about mindset, love and following your dreams! Do you have a dream? Do you believe that you can achieve it? Think BIG and keep going until you reach your dreams! You and only you have the power to get yourself to your goals!!!

Day Three continued to discuss the importance of dreaming and setting goals. Day three discussed the road blocks that stand in the way of our dreams and goals. Day three discussed your personal power and your ability to overcome these road blocks, regardless of how big or small they are!

Some Quotes from Day 3

  • Keep setting goals regardless of how hard life gets ~ Ed Andrews

  • Surround yourself with people you can call family ~ Angel Tucker

  • Never say 'I wish I had" ~ Tami Bonnell

  • If you believe in something so much fear disappears ~ Tami Bonnell

  • Great things aren't simple ~ Tami Bonnell

  • Decide what you want and plan for it ~ Tami Bonnell

Day Four ended our convention with EXIT's Founder and CEO Steve Morris. If you've never heard Steve Morris talk, I would suggest you google him. He is one of the most dynamic and inspiring speakers I've ever heard present! While he spoke hundreds of affirming words appeared on the screen behind him. Talk about imprinting a positive message on your brain! My main take away form Steve was that our minds have the ability to move us closer to or further from our goals and that it is up to us to control our minds to get the life we desire. What we put into our minds we get out of our minds.

Some quotes from Steve Morris 

  • Pivot, move, adjust and adapt

  • What you put out you get back

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses. 'Play' at your strengths and find someone else that is good at your weaknesses and allow them to 'play' too. 

  • If it feels good, you should

  • Lead with your heart

I wish I could bottle the way that I felt at the end of day 4 and sell it!!! The endorphins were all engaged! All my nerve endings were firing! I could have done anything that day! The power of the mind is so amazing! This is the feeling you get when you are surrounded by positive and supportive people! I ask you one more time, who do you surround yourself with on a daily basis? It makes a difference!

I am now 1 week home from convention and I can still feel their energy! I can still feel the connection to the positive environment! So, please, figure out your goals... Figure out your 'why'... Make a plan and surround yourself with people that believe in you! 

Your reality starts with you! You have the power!

Annnnd yeeeeees, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference.  

Have a Blessed Week! Remember, Success is yours if you are willing to work for it!!!

Rachel Fredrickson
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