Motivational Monday! Excuses!!!

Motivational Monday!


Motitvational Monday Excuses

I refuse to allow the excuses in my mind to grow into giants that keep me from living to my full potential. ~Shaun King

WOW!!! What a powerful statement! I REFUSE TO ALLOW THE EXCUSES IN MY MIND TO GROW INTO GIANTS THAT KEEP ME FROM LIVING TO MY FULL POTENTIAL. How many times have you allowed your mind to talk you out of doing something? How many times have you made an excuse that had NO foundation? How many times have you let these excuses stop you? You have so much potential! Believe in yourself! Live to your potential! Stop making excuses that stop you from living!

Rather than make excuses for failures, resilient people learn from each mistake. They identify skill, ideas and life lessons that can be gained from each failed opportunity. ~Amy Morin

 I've talked about this before. Failure is inevitable if you are living your life. Failure is part of growth. Stop letting failure stop you. Stop letting failure scare you. Embrace failure. Let it help you grown and get better! Let failure help you learn and move forward toward your goals! Redefine failure as something good in your life!

If you really want to do it, you do it. There are no excuses. ~Bruce Nauman

 Have you ever wanted something so badly that you haven't stopped until you had it? You didn't make excuses, you make it happen. Think about those times, why are they different than now? Did you want it more? Did it mean more to you than your current goals? Whatever your answer, just know that you've done it before and you can do it again! 

If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a non issue. ~Wayne Dwyer

Build the life that you want in your mind! Once you have a clear picture of that life, take the steps every day to build the reality that you want. Your reality starts with you! You have the power!

Annnnd yeeeeees, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference.  

Have a Blessed Week! Remember, Success is yours if you are willing to work for it!!!

Rachel Fredrickson
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