Painting Concrete Walls - DIY Tips & Tricks

Painting Concrete Walls

DIY Tips & Tricks

Painting Concrete Walls

There is a debate among Realtors about whether a painted concrete wall or painted concrete walls in the basement/lower level should be counted as finished square footage. 

The 'rule' for finished square footage states that the space needs to have a finished floor, walls and a ceiling. Clear as mud, right :) So, does painting a wall make is finished? I suppose to some it would and I know from experience that others do not feel that it is. 

So, regardless of which side of that debate you chose to be on, 

Sonja Hamilton Designs has a great method to painting concrete wall that might make both the seller happy (save money) and the buyer not argue that the wall isn't finished (it looks great). See what she did by clicking the link above. 

Sonja Hamilton may argue with the above 'model's' color choice... but this concrete wall in our garage is going to be the best looking garage wall on the block! haha!

If you are thinking about moving and would like ideas for your unfinished basement. (do you finish it or not), please reach out to me. I would love to schedule an appointment and give you my professional opinion.

If you are wondering what your house is worth, just ask that too! Again, I would love to help.

For other DIY Tips & Tricks for around the house, check out my other blogs!

Rachel Fredrickson
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