Motivational Monday! Try!!! or Try???

Motivational Monday!

Try!!! or Try???

Motivational Monday! Try!!!

Try? Try! Try? Try! Try? Try! Try? 

By Definition, 'TRY' means 'an effort or an attempt to accomplish something'. How many attempts do you make before YOU quit? How much effort do you put in before YOU quit? Do you even try new things? Ask yourself these questions as they are important ones! Take some time to learn how YOU succeed and how YOU fail. Taking this time can change your life. 

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time. ~Thomas A. Edison  

Some people in life are afraid to try new things for fear of failure. Failure isn't bad! Failure is proof that you are brave enough to try something new! As a Realtor, I am in a lot of houses. One house in particular stands out to me. We were in a young person's room (age unknown). On her closet door was a hand made sign. It said, what did you fail at today? (she was to list her failures on the paper) It resonated with me. Why would this young lady make a list of all of her 'failures'? Then it dawned on me. Her parent(s) were teaching her how to fail! She was learning that failure was important to grow! She was learning that we grow when we fail. She was learning to be brave and try new things! She was learning that failure shows effort! She was learning that through failure comes success. WHAT A GREAT LESSON TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN!!! I can't wait until my daughter is a few years older. I will be doing the same :) 

My father used to say that its never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, "you never know what you can accomplish until you try." ~ Michael Jordon

So, I challenge you to 'try'! I challenge you to 'try' something that you've never done! I challenge to you 'try'! I challenge you to 'try'! I challenge you to 'try'! I challenge you to 'try'! Believe in yourself and just do it! TRY :) 

Do one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment own it. ~Oprah Winfrey

Life your best life! Life the life you want! Life a life with no fear! Live your life 'trying' and 'doing'!

Annnnd yeeeeees, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference.  

Have a Blessed Week! Remember, Success is yours if you are willing to work for it!!!

Rachel Fredrickson
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