Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks! Another Gadget Must Have!!!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks!

Another Gadget Must Have!!!

Rachels DIY Tips Tricks Snow Removal Tool

Snow! Snow! Snow! If you live in Minnesnowta, there is a GOOD chance that you experienced a lot of snow this year!!! 

Snow on roof tops is/was a common theme this year. I saw several people on their roofs shoveling off the snow. I saw other people who hired companies to come and remove the snow for them. I saw others who did nothing and let the snow stay on their roof. 

As I am typing this, Facebook is filled with posts from people who have brown spots forming on their ceilings in their homes. As I'm typing this Facebook is filled with posts from people with holes in their ceilings where parts of the ceiling became so saturated that the ceiling came down. Sad, Sad, Sad!!! 

Below is a tool that can easily help you get any remaining snow off your roof. It's like a roof rake with a slide attached! The snow slides right off the roof, down the slide. There are a couple videos on you-tube. Some make it look easy, some not so much... But either way, I think it's better than the muscle used to rake it or get up there and shovel it... Just my opinion :) 

If it you have already taken care of your snow, This gadget can make next winter easier. We do live in MN and it is always a good idea to be prepared (even though I pray we don't have this much snow again next winter)! So, buy this now and maybe use it now??? Buy this now and then place it in your garage so that next winter you have the tools necessary to avoid roof and ceiling issues!  (***I don't receive any financial kickbacks from this company... I just want to help you protect your home!)

Again, I try to share cool gadgets when I see them! This appears to work well and is easy on your shingles too!!! Win/Win!!! 

Here is a link to a video. This Snow Removal Tool looks AMAZING!!!


Rachel Fredrickson
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