Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks! Ice Damn Help!!!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks!

Ice Dam Help!!!

Rachels DIY Tips & Tricks Ice Dams

We've had WINTER this year... no question about it. The snow and sleet has made for some interesting driving and some interesting ice dam situations! 

If you own a home, I'm sure you've looked up at your roof and wondered what is the right thing to do. Do I just leave it? Do I hire someone to come and shovel the snow off? Do I try to shovel it off myself? And what do I do with the ice ledge at the edge of the roof line? 

I have found some ideas for things you can do~ 

Bob Villa emphasizes that you need to make sure to only use calcium chloride as other chemicals can damage your shingles and kill the vegetation that is below the roof line. 

Bob's 3 ideas are:

1) fill a nylon with calcium chloride

2) Clear the excess snow and hit the ice with a mallet (usually used in conjunction with the calcium chloride)

3) Have a professional steam it away.

Cedar Works created an Ice Melt Sausage This link actually shows you #1 and 2 above so you can see how it works.

You Tube also has video's putting calcium chloride inside nylons but uses a string so no ladder is needed


Bob Villa also lists the steps you can take to prevent an ice dam next year....

1) Rake your roof 3-4 feet of the lower roof after each major snow fall

2) Add attic insulation 

3) Seal all interior air leaks in your attic

4) Make sure your attic has vents

5) Install de-icing cables

6) Invest in professionally installed deicing system (under the shingles)


Good Luck and Be Safe :) 



Rachel Fredrickson
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