Motivational Monday! Your Time is NOW!!!

Motivational Monday!

Your Time is NOW!!!

Motivational Monday Your Time is Now

I'm sure you've all heard the expression: There's no time like the present! Well... your time is now. Why wait? Why wait to accomplish your goals? Why wait to go after your dreams? Why wait to make your life the life you've always wanted? Why wait? Your time is NOW!  

Do Not Wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you have at your command, better tools will be found as you go along. ~George Herbert

"Better tools will be found as you go along"... Indeed, how many times have you started something that you wanted to do before you had everything you needed. It's amazing how things tend to work out when you are working to achieve them. It's amazing how things just fall into place when you have your head down and are working hard. Better tools WILL come. (not ALWAYS at the right time or the time that you want them too... but, they will come)

Don't watch the clock.   Do what it does.   Keep Going.                ~Sam Levenson

Start today! Tomorrow you will be happy that you did! Start now, at the end of the day, you will be happy that you did! Start now because you will be one step further! Start now because you will be one step closer to where you want to be! Start now, because tomorrow you will be able to look back and be motivated by the progress you made and the steps that you took! Start now because your time is now! 

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the Future, act now, without delay. ~Simone deBeauvoir

Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Don't wait for a time that may never come. What will you accomplish today? What will you accomplish tomorrow? What will you accomplish this week? What will you accomplish this month? What will you accomplish this year? What will you accomplish in the next 5 years? What will you accomplish??? What will YOU accomplish?  

Always do your best! What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino

So, this week, take a deep breath and embrace your life and all that it brings! Be courageous! Be Bold! Reach for your dreams! There's no time like the present!

Annnnd yeeeeees, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference.  

Have a Blessed Week! Remember, Success is yours if you are willing to work for it!!!

Rachel Fredrickson
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