Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks! Help for Your Icy Driveway/Sidewalk!!!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks!

Help for Your Icy Driveway/Sidewalk!!!

Rachels DIY Tips & Tricks Icy Driveways Sidewalks

If sledding down your driveway isn't an option, finding a way to get the ice off of it is a must!

Minnesota winter is HERE! Freezing rain, snow, crazy cold temperatures, more freezing rain, more snow, more crazy cold temperatures! 

If you own a home, chances are you have had to use quite a bit of salt in attempts to de-ice your driveway and sidewalks. I hope that you had a good supply of salt and or a de-icer prior to last weeks Polar Vortex as many stores are now sold out! Local news programming has been reporting a shortage of salt and de-icer in many stores. If you are one of those people who are struggling to find something to put down on your sidewalks/driveways to keep everyone safe, or if you know someone who is, please read on and share.

There are alternative products that you may have at home already or that you can buy to use as an alternative.   

Kare 11 posted several options for things you can use as an alternative to salt. Some of the alternatives they listed were:

1) Sand (the city of Mpls is giving away free sand -up to 5 pounds- at 4 different locations)

2) Kitty litter

3) Vinegar

4) Alfalfa Meal

5) Coffee Grounds

Other options that some friends have been trying are:

1) Water softener salt

2) Chicken Grit (safe for animals and grass - even more so than salt)

3) Cracked Corn 

These last two are suppose to be easier on concrete as well, not eating away at it and leaving holes. (which can cause a future buyer to turn up their nose to your property)

Try what you think will work best for your home and your neighborhood.

Good Luck! Stay Safe! Stay Warm! 

Rachel Fredrickson
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