Motivational Monday! Plan!!!

Motivational Monday!


Do you have a plan

Have a Plan! Figure out a Plan! Make a Plan! Whatever you do, know your plan! What do you want out of life? What do you want to accomplish in 2019? Did you accomplish all that you set out to accomplish in 2018? Did you have a plan? Was it specific?

Failing to plan is planning to Fail. ~ Alan Lakein

 In order to make a plan, one must have a goal, a dream, a vision! Start by writing it down. 2018 is coming to an end. Time to evaluate how 2018 was. Time to plan for 2019. I'm not talking about a New Year's Resolution that no one keeps... I'm talking about a plan for your life! I'm talking about you! You are worth it! Stop and figure out what you want! Write it down. Once it's written down, write down the action steps that you need to take to get there? How many steps are there? 10, 20 or 2,000... Whatever the case, you are closer to your goal than you've ever been simply because you wrote it down! 

The biggest competition is myself. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I am planning to test my own boundaries. ~ Rain

Push yourself outside your comfort zone! Make your life happen the way that you want. Do it! Be like Nike and Just do it! What's stopping you? You! So stop stopping yourself and reach for your goals!

Thinking well to be wise, planning well, wiser; doing well, wisest and best of all. ~Malcom Forbes


Annnnd yes, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference.  

Have a Blessed Week! Remember, Success is yours if you are willing to work for it!!!!

Rachel Fredrickson
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