Annnnd the Winner is..... October 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

October 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!Annnnd the Winner is..... October 2018


My October Real Estate Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of the month! As always there was trivia question included!

The October Newsletter Trivia Question was...

What is the most popular Halloween Candy?
The Answer: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :)    

The winner this month is Sarah J!!! (Watch the Video Drawing below-surprise guest this month!) Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Coffee/Tea/Cocoa :) Sarah chose Caribou Coffee for her gift certificate :) Thank you for playing :) 

My November Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on later this month. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  Check your spam folders as I've been told by a few people that is where theirs was... let me know if you want to receive the newsletter and I will get you signed up. 

From now until then, have a Blessed month! And if you hear of anyone thinking about buying or selling, please send them my way or connect me with them~ Thank you in advance!  

Again, if you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)


Rachel Fredrickson
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