Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; How to Keep you Glass Shower Door Spot Free!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

How to Keep you Glass Shower Door Spot Free!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks, Keep Your Shower Door Spot Free

Your Glass shower door looked sooo good when it was first installed! So clean, so see through, so Amazing! And now... you walk in your bathroom and cringe, shudder and utter some unfavorable words... 

So, is it possible to bring it back? Is it possible to feel good about the way your bathroom looks again? The answer to that question is YES!!! It is going to take a little work to get it there... but that oh so good feeling when you used to walk into your bathroom will be well worth it! 

And... once you get it there, it just takes some routine things to keep it there :) Yah! Yah! Yah! 

Clean4Real.com offers some great cleaning strategies! Their full article is here


If you are thinking about selling your home, these steps will be priceless and add so much to the saleability of your home!

If you are thinking about buying a home and the glass shower door is less than desirable for the eyes to look at, know that with a little work, you can probably get the glass shower door to sparkle again! :)

Rachel Fredrickson
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