Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Patching Holes in Your Wall!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

Patching Holes in Your Wall!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks Patching a Hole in the Wall

                                                                                                          Photo Cred to Preferred Home Inspections

Have you recently moved? Are you thinking about moving and wondering what you should do with the holes in your walls? Are you painting a room in your house and you want to fill the holes? Are you redoing a bathroom and are hanging a new towel bar??? 

Whatever you scenario, if you have a hole in your wall and want to fix it and not see where the hole used to be, this article is for you!

The Thrifty Decor Chics have outlined the following steps:

Step one is to remove the old anchor from the wall. 

Step two is to find some type of filler to shove into the wall so the spackle has something to stick to. 

Step three is to fill the rest of the hole with Spackle

Step four is to scrape the excess Spackle off

Step five is to let it dry

Step six is to sand the Spackle'd area

Step seven is to repeat step four - six (if needed)

Step eight is to paint your wall :) 

The full article is below

Thrifty Decor Chic Full Article Here


If you are thinking about selling and want a second opinion, please give me a call/text and I would be happy to come and give you my professional option. 


Rachel Fredrickson
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