Rachel's DIY Tips and Tricks; Mold Removal

Rachel's DIY Tips and Tricks;

Mold Removal

Rachel's DIY Tips and Tricks Mold Removal

Mold! Mold! Mold!!! No, No, No!!! As a Realtor, I've seen mold in many houses that I've been showing to clients! Sometimes there is very little mold and sometimes the entire basement if covered in mold! The response from buyers varies. Some run and never look back, others try to determine the source of the mold to see how likely it is to come back if cleaned up and others are excited for the rehab potential that the house offers. Regardless of where you are on the comfort spectrum when it comes to mold, I think we can all agree that mold is not healthy and can cause health issues if not treated.

How do you treat mold? There are several different options available to you. Before you treat the mold/as you treat the mold, it is important to figure out where the mold came from! If you don't identify the source (and fix it) you may be treating mold again in a few months or next year at this time. 

Do you want to do it yourself? Do you want to hire a professional?

If you are hiring it done? There are several companies that you can call. Ask your Realtor for a recommendation for a reputable company! Ask your friends and neighbors too! More opinions are definitely better than one when it comes to hiring contractors.

If you are doing it yourself? There are many different methods out there that you can use. Here are a few. 

Natural Health.com posted a blog for a natural mold remover that uses Tea Tree Oil and Water.  Full Blog here.

Hunker.com posted about cleaning mold from concrete basement walls. Full Blog here

Family Handyman.com also has an article about how to remove mold. Full Blog here


Whatever you decide to do, just make sure that you correct the source so it doesn't come back and you and those around you stay healthy!!!

*** Photo Cred goes to Preferred Home Inspections :) 

Rachel Fredrickson
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