Motivational Monday! Gratitude!!!

Motivational Monday! Gratitude!!!

Motivational Monday Gratitude

My word for the week is Gratitude! What does gratitude mean? According to, gratitude is: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

What are you thankful for? What do you appreciate? What has happened in the last 24 hour that you are thankful for? Appreciative of? Who can you show gratitude to and for what? 

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie

Find a way to be grateful for the things that have already happened to you. Let that gratitude drive you to where you want to go. Let that same gratitude bring you peace with where you are at today so that where you want to go tomorrow seems possible!  

The struggle ends when gratitude begins. Neale Donald Walsh

Today and tomorrow and everyday... Wake up and know that you are here for a reason. Find something to be grateful for and focus on it. Focus on the good in your life. When we focus on the good, more good comes to us. When we focus on the struggle, more struggle comes to us as well. Knowing that we have control over how we think, CHOOSE to think in the direction you want to go! CHOOSE to think about the good. 

So much has been given to me; I have no time to ponder over that which has been denied. Helen Keller 

I hear peoples sadness over things in their life. I hear people want for that which they do not have but aren't making any effort to get it. Helen Keller said it best!!! We have been given so much!!! Are you grateful for what you were given? Are you grateful for all that you DO have? Are you grateful for the life you are leading? I hope this little blog has helped you find something to be grateful for! I hope that this little blog has helped you find a LIFE to be grateful for! 

What are you GRATEFUL for???


Annnnd yes, I've been asked... "you're a Realtor, why are you writing a blog titled 'Motivational Monday'?" To answer the question... Over the years, I've run into many different people, all with very different personalities. I've found that people that have an optimistic and positive outlook on life are happier people. I want to do my part to empower others to be positive. I  want to do my part to empower others to believe in the power of affirmations. I want to do my part to help people believe in themselves again. I want to do my part to make the world a happier place... even if it's just for one person, I will have made a difference. 

Have a Blessed Week!


Rachel Fredrickson
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