Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Projects to Add Value to Your Home!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

Projects to Add Value to Your Home!


Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Projects to Add Value to Your Home

Want to make a change to something in your home? Want to add value at the same time? Most Homeowners want to make changes at some point during home ownership. Whether it be to make the home they bought what they want or whether they need to update it to keep it current. Sometimes, homeowners are will make some changes to get their house ready to sell. Whatever your reason for wanting to make a change, Architecture and Design.com has a great site that can give you some great ideas for updates as well as a good return on your investment if you are wanting to sell. 

My favorites in the article are #4, #6 and #9... What are your favorites? 

Full Article from Architecture and Design here

If you are thinking about selling and want to know which of these projects would be best for your home, please give me a call/text and I would be happy to come and give you my professional option. 

Rachel Fredrickson
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