Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Stage Your House for Less $$$

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

Stage Your House for Less $$$

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Stage your House for Less $$$

Thinking about SELLING your Home? Trying to get ready to SELL your home? Don't want to spend a ton of money to SELL your home? You are not alone!

Unless you live in a 'Model' home or a home that was recently photographed for magazine article, there is a good chance that you need to do a thing or two or ten to get your home ready to sell. I know, you're thinking... I am moving, I don't want to put any money into this place now... BUT, if you put in a little money now, you will get more when you sell! 

Some easy and less expensive ways to make your home show better when you sell.

1) Paint! (or have someone paint)

2) Remove your personal items

3) Remove the extras... No more than 1-3 items per shelf. (unless it is a book, then leave 3-5 on one end, but don't leave the entire shelf full of books)

4) Buy a few items to make it cute. (Bedding can help a lot! and who doesn't want a new comforter/quilt anyway, bathroom accessories~ clean, fresh towels).

5) If you don't want to buy accessories, consider making some. I found an article on Pinterest that led me to an article from Postris. #8 is my favorite. Take an old box and buy some twine at the dollar store and you have a great new bathroom accessory.

Click here to see all 15 ideas from Postris

Again, I really like #8... Which is your favorite?


If you would like to talk about selling your home, please reach out to me. 

Rachel Fredrickson
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