Annnnd the Winner is..... Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

May 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is..... May 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!! 


My May Real Estate Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of the month! As always there was trivia question included!

The May Newsletter Trivia Question was...

The Early Roman Calendar had May as the ___ month of the year?

The Answer: 3rd :)    

The winner this month is Judy F!!! (Watch the Video Drawing below-surprise guest this month!) Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Flowers :) Thank you for playing :) 

My June Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on the 5th. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  Check your spam folders~ let me know if you want to receive the newsletter and I will get you signed up. 

From now until then, have a Blessed month (enjoy the heat)! And if you hear of anyone thinking about buying or selling, please send them my way or connect me with them~ Thank you in advance!  

Again, if you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)




Annnnd the Winner is.....

April 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Rachel the Realtor Monthly Contest Winner


Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!! JUST KIDDING!!! It's hard to believe all the snow we've gotten this April!!! Soon... soon... Sooooooon, April will be here :) I can feel it!!! :) 

The April Real Estate Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of the month! The trivia Question was included!

The April Newsletter Trivia Question was...

What does April mean?

The Answer: Open :)    

The winner this month is Aaron O!!! (Watch the Drawing below) Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Flowers :) Thank you for playing :) Congratulations Again!!!

My My Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on May 1st. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  

From now until then, have a Blessed month (go ahead, build a snowman)! And if you hear of anyone thinking about buying or selling, please send them my way or connect me to them~ Thank you in advance!  

If you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)







Annnnd the Winner is.....

March 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

March 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

March Real Estate Newsletter were sent out at the beginning of the month! Trivia Question was included!

The March Newsletter Trivia Question was...

What color was traditionally associated with St. Patrick's Day?

The Answer: Blue :)    

The winner this month is Bobbie M!!! Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Lottery Tickets! May the LUCK of the Irish be with you!!! Thank you for playing :) Congratulations Again!!!

My April Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on April 3rd. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  

From now until then, have a Blessed March! And if you hear of anyone thinking about buying or selling, please send them my way or connect me to them~ Thank you in advance!  

If you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)



Annnnd the Winner is.....

February 2018 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Rachel Fredrickson, Realtor, Monthly Newsletter Winner

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I hope you all received my Real Estate Newsletter AND were able to gain some insight into the real estate market and home ownership. Please let me know if you didn't receive it and think you should be or want to receive it. I will get you added ;) Every Month, within that newsletter, I have a little trivia question/fun contest!

The February Newsletter Trivia Question was...

Who is Cupid's Mother?

The Answer: Venus :) (I'm going to be honest... I didn't even know Cupid had a mother...haha)    

The winner this month is Jean J!!! Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Valentines Gift Bag!!! Thank you for playing :) Congratulations Again!!!

 My March Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on March 6th. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  

In the meantime, have a Blessed February!  

If you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)



Rachel Fredrickson
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