Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; Landscaping Season is Here!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

Landscaping Season is Here!

DIY Landscaping Tips

Landscaping Season is HERE!!! Are you pulling weeds? Are you planting flowers? Are you grooming your yard to make it your best yard yet? If yes, great! Good for you! If not, do you need ideas? Look at Pinterest! There are so many ideas there! If not, do you wish you could be grooming your yard, but you don't have one? I can help with that too! Reach out and we can talk about how to get you into a home

Memorial Weekend is upon us! So let's use the time to get those outside projects done! (and no complaints about the 90 degree weather!!! Remember, it was snowing just a little over a month ago!!!) :-p

Today I'm sharing a Beautiful walk way idea from Funky Junk Interiors! Do you have any pallets lying around? Do you know where you can get some? Not sure you want to use pallets? That's ok, any type of wood should work! Buy the kind of wood to give it the look you want! Just make sure that you purchase wood that is easily replaceable. After all, you are putting wood directly on dirt and eventually it will decompose.

Click here for the directions from Funky Junk Interiors! Happy Gardening! 


Rachel Fredrickson
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