Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks; How to Remove Carpet Dents left by Furniture!

Rachel's DIY Tips & Tricks;

How to Remove Carpet Dents left by Furniture!

Removing Carpet Dents

We all know what that 'dent' looks like when we rearrange the living room... or our bedrooms... We move the furniture and then sigh... there is that impression left in the carpet by your furniture... Or maybe it's not you doing the re-arranging... Maybe you are selling your home and the stager comes in and suggest you get rid of things to make the room look larger... now everyone can see where the furniture used to be... 

How do we get rid of them??? How do we get the dents out???

CoolCreativity.com offers a great (and EASY) tip to help with the dent removal!

Simply take an ice cube or several ice cubes (depending on the size of the dent) and place it in the dent... Let it melt and then wait 12 hours... Take a cloth and blot out the water... Then take a spoon or fork and fluff the carpet back up! Waaaaa laaaaa! Carpet is as good as new :) 

Enjoy your dent free carpet :) or let your buyer enjoy it :) Either way... there are no more dents :)  


Rachel Fredrickson
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