Motivational Monday! MAKE this week Your BEST Week Yet!

Motivational Monday!

MAKE this week your BEST Week Yet!

Motivational Monday Spring has taken Flight

The weekend has come and gone. The first glympse of SPRING was in the air! The warm air and the sun felt amazing coming out of the sky! Temperatures this week are forecast to be in the 60's! How can this week NOT be YOUR Best Week yet? 

Use the energy that Spring brings to get the things done you've been waiting to do! Use the energy to get out and breathe in some fresh air! Pay attention to what is going on around you. Stop and sit on a bench somewhere and watch others for a minute. Stop for a minute and watch those you love. Do the people you're watching have a different beat in their step this week? Spring is contagious! Take a bite of it and share your energy with those at home and at the office. Tell someone that you appreciate them or something they did. 

“Who doesn't want to know that we notice them and value them? And who might respond to us better when they feel that they matter? It probably cannot be overstated – it matters...that people matter.” - Steve Goodier

Make this week your BEST week Yet! 


Rachel Fredrickson
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