How Will Cars Like the Tesla Impact the Future of Real Estate?

How Will Cars Like the Tesla Impact the

Future of Real Estate?

Future of Real Estate

Let's think about our Future for a minute... Growing up, we thought that the technology in cartoons like The Jetsons would never exist! Now, we have phones with video capabilities. We have computers that fit in the palm of our hands. We have cars that drive themselves. We are starting to see kitchens that prepare meals for us and cars that fly/hover... Yikes, how far we have come in so little time! 

So how will these cars that drive themselves impact real estate? Will they impact real estate? proposes that it will. The article states the following:

1) City populations will become more dense and parking garages and gas stations will get turned into housing.

2) Suburbs will also become more popular as people will use the ride to work to get more work done or get some relaxation time in. 

3) People will live in their homes for longer.

4) Construction and Home Price Appreciation will decrease.

5) Garage will become smaller and some spaces will be redefined. 

Whether you believe all of some of their points. They are points. Life as we know it today is changing. Change... the one certain thing in life. In this case, the changes will be slow, but let's embrace it and see where we can go! In the meantime, I would love to help you find that 3-4 car garage home to fit the needs of your current family :) Let me know how I can help.  Our Future Awaits!!!

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Rachel Fredrickson
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