Real Estate Nerd Alert :) 2017 Seller's and Buyer's... Who are they???

2017 Seller's and Buyer's...

Who are they???

2017 Sellers & Buyers

I admit it... I am a Real Estate Nerd! (and I'm not afraid to shout it) I love to read about Real Estate! The National Association of Realtors released an article titled 2017 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. It's a Great Read!


Did you know???

The average buyer in 2017:

*The typical age of a buyer rose to 45!

*People buying new construction was only 15% of the market (this is low compared to 29% in 1989)

*First Time home buyers made up 34% of all home buyers (low from last year and years past)


The average seller in 2017:

*The typical age of a seller rose to 55!

*The days a home is on the market decreased to 3 weeks (down from 4 last year and 8 in 1987)

*Sellers lived in their homes for 10 years (down from the previous 5 years in 1985)


The Average For Sale By Owner (FSBO):

*8% of all sales were FSBO (same for the last 3 years)

*FSBO's netted less money (190k vs 250k)

*FSBO's sold quicker (2 weeks on market vs 3 weeks)


Read the Full Article published by NAR! It's a GREAT Read!!!

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