The Truth about 'When' You Should Buy!

The Truth about 'When' You Should Buy!

When is the Best Time to Buy?

Thanksgiving has come and Gone... 

Black Friday is done... Cyber Monday is here...

And regardless of what Holiday you celebrate in December, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, they are just about here...

SOOO, the question that gets asked... 'When' should I buy??? 'When' should I start the process to buy? 'When', 'When', 'When'???

The short answer is... As soon as you can get pre-approved by a lender and as soon as you find the house that you can call home~ 


The Truth is that there is still a shortage of homes for sale~ 

The Truth is that prices are continuing to rise due to this shortage of homes for sale~ (yes, even during the snowy - it's going to come eventually- months here in MN)~

The Truth is that Waiting until Spring to purchase will leave you spending more money on a house. 

The Truth is that Waiting until Spring will require you to have more for a down payment as your down payment is a percentage of the purchase price. 


Sooo, buy as soon as you can and then enjoy the appreciation that is to come in the years ahead. 


BUT... what if the market crashes??? All indicators in Real Estate show that this is not going to happen... Of course, I don't have a crystal ball.... but the data doesn't support a crash...


Sooo, reach out to me and I can connect you with a lender that will get you pre-qualified and then, let's figure out what you want in a home so that we can find you that house to make your Home!!! :)

RISMedia also wrote an article that discussing when is the right tie to buy.

Gabe Sanders on 6 years ago
This is good information for all those considering a purchase.
Rachel Fredrickson
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