Annnnd the Winner is..... November 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

November 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Real Estate Contest

Happy November! Fall is HERE... Winter is just around the corner :( I'm not a cold fan... but the snow sure is pretty!!!

I hope you all received my Real Estate Newsletter AND were able to gain some insight into the real estate market and home ownership. Please let me know if you didn't receive it and think you should be or want to receive it. I will get you added ;) Every Month, within that newsletter, I have a little trivia question/fun contest!

The November Newsletter Trivia Question was...

How many turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving in the US?

The Answer: 280 million according to a trivia site... according to my sister (AKA the Google Queen) it's 46 million with only 228 million eaten each year... I'm sure she is right... haha, but you didn't have to be right.. you only had to guess :) It's my contest, so I get to make the rules :)    

The winner this month is Wayne A!!! Congratulations to you! Enjoy your Coffee, Cocoa or Cider!!! Thank you for playing :) Congratulations Again!!!


My December Real Estate Newsletter will get sent on November 5th. There will be another Trivia question within it :)  And the end of the year prize is a bit bigger than the rest of the year... so, watch for it :)

In the meantime, have a Blessed Thanksgiving! Let's take some time this month to say Thank you to those in our lives that we appreciate :) 

If you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)


Rachel Fredrickson
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