Annnnd the Winner is..... March 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

March 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest Winner!!!


Annnnd the Winner is....

Every Month I send out a Monthly Newsletter filled with Real Estate Market News (and a fun contest!). I want to make sure you keep current on the market! If you wish to subscribe, please see the link below. 

The March Newsletter Contest was...

Let me know who you thought was going to win the NCAA March Madness Championship!!! (You didn't have to be right, just had to play)

The Winner is Danielle S :)

Congratulations to you! Thank you for sharing :) Congratulations Again!!!


Remember, I have another contest this month (that was sent out yesterday, Tuesday April 4th)!!! The details of each contest are in the Newsletter~ If you wish to receive my Newsletter, please let me know ( or 612-991-9919) or click here and let me know :)


Rachel Fredrickson
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