1.3 MILLION Home Owners became 'EQUITY RICH' in 2016! Are you one of them?

1.3 MILLION Home Owners became 'EQUITY RICH' in 2016!

Are you one of them?

How Much Equity to you have in YOUR House?

Real Estate has made a come back! 2012 marked the turning point! Each year since 2012, more and more home owners have came out from being 'underwater' on their mortgage~ Last year, 2016, over 1 MILLION homeowners came above that mark!!! Another 1.3 Million became 'Equity Rich'! 

Seriously Underwater - 25% or more of it's Loan to Value

Equity Rich - Less than a 50% Loan to Value


To read the full RISMedia Article, click here

Rachel Fredrickson
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