Valentines Day Contest!!!

Valentines Day Contest!!!
January has come and gone! Where does the time go??? As a child I used to hear the adults around me talk about how quickly the time goes by... I never understood what they meant... I NOW UNDERSTAND!!! Cherish Today :) You only get one of them!!!
This month, I will be giving away a Valentines Gift Basket on Monday February 13th (I know that's only a few days away... but the contest is an easy one). The Basket is filled with all things Valentines... Chocolate, Wine, Wine Glasses, Movie Gift Card, stuffed animals and more... To enter the drawing, send me an email or FB inbox message telling me a story about someone (significant other, child, sibling, parent, pet, freind, co-worker., etc...) that has touched your heart :) I'm a sap and love to hear people talk about other people's 'feel good' moments!!! The winner will be posted on my FB Biz on Monday February 13th!
Please continue to look for my monthly real estate updates and remember, I am never to busy for your referrals (or lunch/coffee- :) ) Please reach out, I'd love to catch up :)
Have a GREAT Day :) 
PS... You can download my mobile business card by texting RealtorRachel to 85377
PSS... You can sign up for a once a month newsletter by clicking the arrow below :)  

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Rachel Fredrickson
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