3 Ways to Save Money Monthly on your Mortgage!

3 Ways to Save Money Monthly

on your Mortgage!

Spend Money on what YOU want

Wouldn't it be nice to save some money each month? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take THAT trip you've always wanted? Wouldn't it be nice to buy THAT gift for that special person? Wouldn't it be nice to..... you fill in the blank.

Well, you've all heard of her! Whether you like her or not, she is smart and has some great ideas on how to save money on your mortgage. (and in life!) Barbara Corcoran, from Shark Tank, says that people need to do 3 things to save money on their mortgage in 2017!

1) People need to shop around for the best rate. Buying a home is stressful, but it's a good idea to talk to at least 2 people to see where you can get the best rate! This loan is most likely going to be for 30 years, so every little penny adds up. 

2) People need to take advantage of the low mortgage rates while they are around! People tell me that the rates are too high. Yes, they are higher than in 2015... BUT, go back even further... Rates used to be in the 5's, 6's, 8's and even the double digits. Ask your parents what their rate was on their first house... Make sure that you're sitting down for the answer though. Money is CHEAP right now, so take advantage while rates stay low. If you already own a home, check into refinancing!!! 

3) Do it NOW!!! Who knows how long mortgage rates will stay as low as they are now. The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors is predicting that mortgage rates will been in the high 4's up to 5% by the years end. 

How do you get started? Great Question!!! I have several lenders that I work with and trust! They are all different, so reach out to me and I can get you connected with a lender that you are going to get along with (trusting the person you are working with is important) and someone that will give you the best rates as well. 

Read the full article here.


Rachel Fredrickson
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