Holiday Contest! Enter to Win $100 Visa Gift Card

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!!
Thanksgiving has come and gone already!!! Time passes so quickly! My hope for you all is that you were able to relax a bit and enjoy those you love the most!
The Rush of Holiday shopping is in full swing! Make sure to enjoy your loved ones so that when the holidays are over you are able to look back and smile with lots of GREAT Memories that will last a lifetime :)
I am having a CONTEST this month (December 2016)! I am asking that you log onto,, Linked-In or FB (or all of the above) and write a happy review about me (links are below to make it easy)~ If we have worked together, add some info on the transaction. If we haven't worked together, write about my character and why you would hire me to help you buy/sell your house~ When you have written the review, email me a quick message and let me know where you have posted the reviews. I will put your name in the hat once for each review you write (feel free to copy and post the same happy review on each site for 4 entries)! To be fair, if you have already written a review for me, those count too, just shoot me an email and let me know where (what sites) you posted the review! Contest ends December 31st at 11:59~ Email me on or before this time~ On January 1st, I will draw one lucky persons name from a hat and deliver (or mail if you now live out of state) a $100 VISA Gift Card! Please watch my FB Biz Page in January to watch the winner be drawn!!! GOOD LUCK and THANK YOU!!!!
If you already receive my monthly emails, please continue to look for my monthly real estate updates (and more contests) and remember, I am never to busy for your referrals (or lunch/coffee- :) )
If you don't receive them, but would like to, please click the tab below to sign up! I would love to have you :) 
Have a great day,
PS... You can download my mobile business card by texting RealtorRachel to 85377


eNewsletter Sign Up link here: link here:

just kidding, makes me email you a request~ so email me and I will send the personal link to you :)


Facebook link here:

Linked In link here:

just kidding here too... I have to ask that you recommend me on this site too~ Include that in your email request :) or connect with me on linked in and shoot me an inbox message~ which ever is easier :) 




For your housing needs:

To find out what your home is worth, just ask :)

Let me know what I can do to help :) 

Rachel Fredrickson
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