Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

The Real Estate Market has been anything but traditional over the last 7 years. After many years of depreciation, the real estate market started to appreciate in early 2012! Since then the market for homes priced above 399k has varied from month to month with not much predictability.

2015, for the first time in years, followed a traditional sales cycle with closed sales! The market started a slight increase in closed sales in January 2015 and saw increases every month until June 2015 when it peaked. In July the number of homes closing started to decrease slightly and continued to decrease each month for the rest of the year.

Only time will tell if 2016 will follow the same MN traditional sales cycle... If you are thinking of selling, get your home ready now so that you can get it listed in the early part of 2016 so you don't miss the peak selling point for your price range!

I would love to share with you the stats on your neighborhood! Let me know how I can help!


Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

Rachel Fredrickson
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