Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! December 2015

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! December 2015

The numbers are in!!! 2015 may just end up being the best year in Real Estate since 2005! The number of homes on the market were down 18.5% month over month from November 2015! Buyer activity was up 16.2% and Seller activity was up 5.2 %! What do those numbers mean??? The buyers were in buying the homes that were on the market and the sellers weren't listing their homes fast enough to keep up to the demand. This drove the inventory down and both pending sales (18.1) and closed sales (1.3%) up! The median sales price also went up 7.3% as a result of this! 


The Twin Cities Real Estate Market has seen 45 straight months of year over year increases! 

Interest Rates are expected to rise in an incremental fashion in 2016 reaching 4.5% by the end of the year. 

SELLERS.... The end of winter/beginning of spring would be a GREAT time to get your house listed! Reach out now and we can figure out if you want to tackle any projects between now and the time you go on the market! 

Call me at 612-991-9919 or email me at or log onto my website at


Watch the full Minneapolis Area Association of Realtor Monthly Skinny Below.


Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! December 2015

Rachel Fredrickson
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