Motivational Monday! What Motivates You~ Part 2

Motivational Monday!

What Motivates You~ Part 2

Last week I wrote about Motivation. I asked people to share with me what motivates them. Let's face it, we are all different! What motivates me (quotes), may not be what motivates you. Thank you to everyone who text, emailed and sent me a message on FB Messanger.

This is what people said~ Hopefully some of these things will be things that you can try to help you stay motivated too. 

1) Working/Living in an organized space. This person stated...
Motivational Monday! What Motivates YOU???

Motivational Monday!

What Motivates YOU???

This weeks post is going to be a little different... I've found that everyone is motivated by something different. Some people find their motivation within themselves, some by specific events and some by other people. Is your motivation internal or external? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What keeps you going toward your goals? What keeps you moving forward? Please do me a favor and let me know what motivates you! I will share what motivat...
Motivational Monday! Your Time is NOW!!!

Motivational Monday!

Your Time is NOW!!!

I'm sure you've all heard the expression: There's no time like the present! Well... your time is now. Why wait? Why wait to accomplish your goals? Why wait to go after your dreams? Why wait to make your life the life you've always wanted? Why wait? Your time is NOW!  

Do Not Wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you have at your command, better tools will be found as you go along. ~George Herber...
Rachel Fredrickson
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