What are Your Plans This Summer???

What are Your Plans This Summer???

Wondering WHAT is going on this Summer??? 

Wondering HOW you are going to fill all those days and nights???

Wondering WHEN everything is happening???

Wondering When you should plan those get aways???

Well, wonder no more!!! Here is what is going on this summer in your local communities~


Albertville - 

1) Albertville City Days

2) City Wide Garage Sale

3) Spring Clean Up - May 6th! This weekend!

4) Local Parks - There are 11 listed, so check out a...
St. Michael Housing Update

St. Michael Housing Update

The numbers are just shocking to look at... If you are a buyer who wants to live in St. Michael, you are feeling them right now!!!

There is a 1.8 month supply of homes for sale!!! This is GREAT for sellers and challenging for buyers...

The average days a home is on the market prior to sale is 57~ This number is dropping each day. The lack of homes to pick from is driving this number down~

Seller's are getting 97.2% of list price!!! This is up from 89% a year ago.
Homes Thru the Decades

Homes Thru the Decades

People have changed over the years. Family size, family structure, lifestyles, etc... Therefore it would be natural for houses to change too. The exteriors, the amenities, the sizes, etc... 

Have you ever heard the expressions....

*You are wise beyond your years...

*You are an old soul...

*You should have been born in the ___ (you fill in the blank for the year...)

Forbes.com published an article that highlights one home from each decade over the last 100 years!!!...
The Great Northern Festival in Minnesota

The Great Northern Festival in Minnesota

We all call Minnesota our home! This means that we are given the opportunity to enjoy all Four Seasons that Minnesota offers us! Starting tomorrow January 26th (Thursday) and lasting only 10 days (February 5th), we will have the opportunity to visit the Great Northern Festival!!! 

There are 3 events that make up this Minnesota Festival~

1) Saint Paul Winter Carnival - (January 26th-February 5th)

2) The US Pond Hockey Championships (January 26th-29th...
2016 Real Estate, a Year in Review!

2016 Real Estate

A Year in Review!

2016, WHAT A YEAR!!! The numbers are in and some of the statistics will make your jaw drop while others are exactly what we expected and talked about all last year!

The Minneapolis Association of Realtors reported that all 13 counties showed continued recovery. Based on the numbers reported below, I would say that all have 'recovered'. 

2016 as compared to 2015

*Closed Sales - Increased 6.2% to an 11 year high!

*Pending Sales - Increased 4.7%

*Median P...

But my Zillow Zestimate said...



Zillow's own CEO Spensor Rascoff's home sold for 40% less than his Zillow Zestimate reported!!!


Zestimates aren't an exact science. Zillow boasts a 7.9% error rate~ BUT, their own CEO's house sold for 40% less than it's own zestimate. There are factors that a zestimate (computer program) does not consider...

1) Where is the home situated? Is it on a busy street? private neighborhood? 

2) What is the shape and usability of the lot? Where is the house s...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! May 2016

The numbers for April have been gathered and crunched... There will be no shockers in the data.

The Real Estate Market in April 2016 showed the following when compared to April 2015...

1) The number of homes for sale was down 19.4%

2) The median home price was up 7.7%

3) Sellers are getting 98% of list price. Some more than list and some are selling in multiple offers

4) Pending Sales were up 1.6%

5) Closed Sales were also up 6.1...
Rachel Fredrickson
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