Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! April 2017

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!

April 2017


March numbers are in!

*Pending Sales decreased by 3% from 2016

*Closed Sales actually increased by 8.3% from 2016

*The number of homes for sale DROPPED significantly by 19.9% from 2016

*This left the month supply of homes at 2 months~ (a slight increase from the 1.8 month supply when February closed) 

*Prices increased 7% with the median sales price as $237,500

*Sellers netted 98.1% of their asking price.


Interest Ra...
Keep it or Toss it???? Decluttering Decisions....

Keep it or Toss it????

Decluttering Decisions....


It's Spring in MN!!! (YAH) Whether you plan on selling you home or not, this is a great time to clean out your house!!! Open the windows, turn on some good music and let's get started!!!

But, I just LOVE that... I can't throw that away...

But, I may need this at some point.....

But, this is just sooo cute....

Throwing away items from your past can be hard for some. Take a breath and read the 8 simple rules from to put thing...
Annnnd the Winner is..... April 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

Annnnd the Winner is.....

April 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!



Happy April!!! Happy Easter!!! I hope you all received my Real Estate Newsletter last week! I hope that you were able to gain some insight into the real estate market. Please let me know if you didn't and think you should be or want to receive it. Every Month, within that newsletter, I have a little trivia question/fun contest!

The April Newsletter Trivia Question was...

In the movie "Back to the Future", what speed di...
April Newsletter

Rachel Fredrickson
License #:
Cell: 612- 991 9919


Good Morning Everyone, 

My Real Estate Newsletter was sent out last Tuesday! Did you get yours (email)??? Did you open it??? Did you read it??? Did you learn anything??? Did you enter the contest to win a free Easter Basket yet??? There is still time to enter~ Contest deadline is tomorrow (April 11th) at 5pm! Just answer the simple trivia question for a chance to win. If you didn't get my newsletter, let me know and I will...
Flowers for the Front Step!!!

Flowers for the Front Step!!!

Spring is here!!! Flowers are just around the corner!!! Whether you are planning on moving or not, create a front step that you feel good coming home to... or that potential buyers will feel good approaching :) 

Home BNC has 29 Beautiful Ideas that you can do to make your front step a bit more welcoming :) brighter :) and fun :) 

If you are considering a move, the market has never been better! Reach out to me, I would love to help! Not quite ready to talk to so...
Annnnd the Winner is..... March 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest!!!

March 2017 Monthly Newsletter Contest Winner!!!


Every Month I send out a Monthly Newsletter filled with Real Estate Market News (and a fun contest!). I want to make sure you keep current on the market! If you wish to subscribe, please see the link below. 

The March Newsletter Contest was...

Let me know who you thought was going to win the NCAA March Madness Championship!!! (You didn't have to be right, just had to play)

The Winner is Danielle S :)

Congratulations to you! Thank you for...
Spring Cleaning Time is Here! Windows Anyone???

Spring Cleaning Time is Here!

Windows Anyone???

Are your window tracks Dirty??? (Mine Too)

Are your window tracks in NEED of a Cleaning??? (Mine Too)

Are you DREADING cleaning them??? (Me Too)

Have you put if off for FAR TO LONG??? (Me Too)

Well... the Intentional Mom posted an article that says it isn't as hard or time consuming as we think.... So, let's pull up our sleeves and see what we can do THIS WEEKEND (or if you already have plans, the next week or two)!!!! Post Pics Please.......
Rachel Fredrickson
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