Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area!

July 2016

 The Real Estate Market continues to exceed expectations!!! Lack of inventory remains a problem for those trying to buy and an advantage for those brave enough to sell. 

The statistics are in and June 2016 beat June 2015 in most arenas!

*Median Sales Price is up 5.3%! The median home sold for $242,000!

*The number of homes for sale is down 18.2%. 

*There is only a 2.9 month supply of homes on the market! This low supply makes th...
How Long will it take to Sell my House in MN?

How Long will it take to Sell my House in MN?


The Minnesota Real Estate Market is Moving Quickly! How Quick? When compared to the rest of country, Minnesota is in the top 5! Statistics show that on average, houses are selling in under 30 days!!! This is great news for sellers! What Seller doesn't want to sell at list price? What seller doesn't want a bidding war over their home, getting them top dollar? While this situation make most sellers happy, it is also a bit frightening... Quick sales...

How to Compete in a Multiple Offer Situation in Our Current Real Estate Market!

When 2015 ended, the number of homes left on the market was low! Dependng on the article you read, there were 2.1 to 3 months 2) were of homes left for sale. What does this mean? In a Healthy Market, there are 5-6 months worth of homes for sale... Having 2-3 months of home for sale, make the MN Real Estate Market a Seller's Market. 

If you are a Buyer in the market right now, chances are you will most likely end up...

2015 has come to an end... Real Estate Continued to Appreciate!!!

The Data has been crunched, the numbers compiled and the report written! The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors 2015 Annual Report is out! 

Overall the data showed...

*The number of new listings increased 5.1% in 2015 from 2014.

*The number of closed sales rose 13.7% in 2015 from 2014.

*The number of homes for sale fell 21.8% in 2015 from 2014.

*The median sales price rose 7.0% in 2015 from 2014.

*The average sales pr...
Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

Maple Grove Homes Priced Over 399k~ When to Go on the Market?

The Real Estate Market has been anything but traditional over the last 7 years. After many years of depreciation, the real estate market started to appreciate in early 2012! Since then the market for homes priced above 399k has varied from month to month with not much predictability.

2015, for the first time in years, followed a traditional sales cycle with closed sales! The market started a slight increase in closed sales in Januar...

Get the Skinny on Real Estate Trends in Your Area! December 2015

The numbers are in!!! 2015 may just end up being the best year in Real Estate since 2005! The number of homes on the market were down 18.5% month over month from November 2015! Buyer activity was up 16.2% and Seller activity was up 5.2 %! What do those numbers mean??? The buyers were in buying the homes that were on the market and the sellers weren't listing their homes fast enough to keep up to the demand. This drove the inventor...

Get the Skinny on the Minneapolis/St. Paul Real Estate Market!

The Numbers for October 2015 are in! 

The number of Sales Pending rose 3.3% year over year!

The number of Closed Sales remained steady~ It didn't rise or fall~ 

The number of Homes on the Market dropped 16.7% leaving a 3.2 month supply of homes on the market. 

The median Sales Price rose 4.9%

Rates are Expected to Rise~ More to be released on that when the Federal Government meets in December 2015.

The fully Monthly Skinny Vid...
Rachel Fredrickson
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