Motivational Monday! Resolutions... 2019 is HERE!!!

Motivational Monday!


2019 is HERE!!!

2019 is HERE!!! Another 365 days for you to create the life you envision for yourself! What will you do with your 365 days? 

Resolutions... Do you make them? Do you stick to them?

Wise to Resolve and Patient to Perform ~ Homer

 Do you think they are silly? 

New Year's Resolutions work like this: You think of something you like doing and then you resolve to stop doing it ~ Charlie Brooker

To resolve or not to resolve, that is the...
Motivational Monday! You Gotta Have... Faith!!!

Motivational Monday!

You Gotta Have... Faith!!!


FAITH is taking the first step even when you don't see the staircase. ~Martin Luther King Jr. 

As 2018 is coming to an end and 2019 is about to begin, FAITH seemed an appropriate topic for the week! What is Faith? Faith as defined by google: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Do you have faith? Do you have complete trust or confidence in someone or something in your life? I hope so! 

Optimism is the FAITH that leads to a...
Motivational Monday! Goals!!!

Motivational Monday!


December is here... The last month of the year... It's hard to believe that the year is almost over... It's time to contemplate the past year...  Time to evaluate life... Time to set new goals for next year... 

Did you accomplish your goals? If yes, congratulations! If not, are you closer to them than when the year started? Did you learn? Did you gain knowledge? Wonderful! Let's use that energy and revamp our goals! Let's look at the year ahead and set new goal...
Motivational Monday! Plan!!!

Motivational Monday!


Have a Plan! Figure out a Plan! Make a Plan! Whatever you do, know your plan! What do you want out of life? What do you want to accomplish in 2019? Did you accomplish all that you set out to accomplish in 2018? Did you have a plan? Was it specific?

Failing to plan is planning to Fail. ~ Alan Lakein

 In order to make a plan, one must have a goal, a dream, a vision! Start by writing it down. 2018 is coming to an end. Time to evaluate how 2018 was. Time to plan fo...
Motivational Monday! Today is a New Day!!!

Motivational Monday!

Today is a New Day!!!

Today is a new day! Today is the day that you create! Today is the day you make your dreams come true! Today is the day you accomplish your goals! Today is the day that you life the life you've always wanted! 

             With today comes new strength and new thoughts.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Today is your day to start! Today is your day to continue! Today is your day to reach that goal! BUT, is it possible that today doesn't go the way that you plan...
Motivational Monday! The Importance of Affirmation!!!

Motivational Monday!

The Importance of Affirmation!!!

I just recently returned from our EXIT Realty Corp International Annual Convention. I was reminded about the importance of Daily Affirmations. Steve Morris, Founder and CEO of EXIT Realty Corp International, lives, breaths and believes in Daily Affirmations. I was reminded by Steve and several others about the importance and the implications affirmations can have on your life. I had been doing them for almost a year and quit in January......
Motivational Monday! Strength!!!

Motivational Monday!


You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find your strength. ~Marcus Aurelius

Yesterday was easy! I achieved many steps in my plan to attain my goal! Today... Uhg! Nothing seems to be going right! And when I say nothing, I mean nothing! Have you ever had a day like that? Have you ever wanted to just throw in the towel and go back to bed? Have you ever snapped at a family member or friend that really did nothing to deserve...
Rachel Fredrickson
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